Saturday, November 27, 2010


uMaking Science Interesting for Anyone
Filed under Photos, teaching by admin on September 5, 2010 at 4:53 am
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Making Science

Science may be a difficult subject for some students. A single lesson in science may leave a student feeling lost and confused. A lesson on a topic in science may be overly wordy and hard to interpret or understand. Some students may be skilled in other areas more than that of science and it is because of this that there is a need for a science tutor for some students. A science tutor is knowledgeable and experienced in the field of science and he or she would be able to help a student in regard to a specific lesson or any concept that is related to science or a branch of science. You may only require a science tutor for only part time help when it comes to your studies, or you may need to hire a science tutor full time to guide you with your work utilizing their skills and experience to help you build your own. Science does not interest everyone and it may be difficult to get involved in science lesson at school, making it necessary to get a science tutor after school hours to help understand the material that was discussed in that day’s lesson. There are several ways in which a student can find help when it comes to a lesson in science. The resources that are made available to students in regard to a science lesson can be either free or charge a fee. Most students can find a science tutor that will help them with the science lesson for free. Many times, schools will offer help with a science lesson after school or provide extra help on that lesson. Here are some ways in which you can seek help with a science lesson:

-Look online. The internet has so much information. If you have a question about the lesson you learned at school you can always conduct a simple search to find the answers you need. Make sure you use reliable websites to obtain your information as not every website will provide you will accurate information. If the information you find is not good enough or does not answer your question there are some other options you can choose from.

-Ask your teacher. Your teacher put together the lesson plan. The teacher is experienced and educated in their field and should be able to answer any of your questions.

-Tutor. Find out if your school offers a science tutor. Many schools will offer the services of a science tutor for free. If not ask help from your peers who understand and are doing well with the material in the class. A friend can serve as an unofficial science tutor. Although they are not actually a science tutor, your friend can provide you with the help that you need in order to do well in the class and understand the material better.

-Hire a science tutor. Although this is an added expense you will be able to get the proper help that you need from a professional who will devote the time and energy to help you specifically with your needs.
sScience news: The new invention
Filed under News, Photos by admin on September 5, 2010 at 4:54 am
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Science News

The times are changing and with them science also is changing. Science news is always awaited with great anticipation as any new invention could change our lives drastically. A new invention can change almost anything, from the way we communicate to the way we cook. In the world of science news any new invention is thoroughly discussed and developed in order to provide the best uses and greatest convenience for its users. A new invention can make a process more efficient or cut time out of a lengthy process. Whether we realize it or not we rely on science news to rely the ideas and uses of a new invention created to us. Science news can be found almost anywhere, online, television, in journals books and magazines. A new invention could be heard of any day and the applications could be used for hundreds of years afterward. The concept of a new invention is mind blowing. Anyone, almost anyone can come up with a new idea, get it patented and be using it shortly afterward with millions of other people doing the same. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creativity within the field of science. When it comes to science news you can rely on some of the best websites and television broadcasts to find out what is going on in the world of science. Whats new in science news is often not published right away and a new invention for science may just be in the works this very moment. Researchers and scientists are working hard all over the word to come up with any number of new inventions every single day. Science news will eventually educate the world on a new invention and people will rely on it to provide them with that information. Here is a list of some new inventions that are currently in science news today.

-In science news, a new invention is in the field of paralysis has been developed. This new invention is to help those who are paralyzed by providing them with robotic assistance. For example someone who has suffered an injury and has lost the ability to control a part of their body or has lost muscle function in a specific area can utilize the new invention to aid in regaining the use of their original function. Scientists have been able to develop artificial muscles to replace the muscles that have stopped functioning in the eyelids. By using this new technology those who were unable to control the movement of their eyelids can now do so.

-Another unique and new invention that is in science news today are the lip-reading computers. If you are not aware of it already, these computers have been developed in order to identify multiple languages. Although this type of technology is similar to some that have already been developed the distinguishing feature here is that these new computers are able to differentiate between three different languages based on lip movement alone. This is a great tool and will be utilized often.
 rTeaching Kids Science: Some Tips and Advice on How to Engage your students
Filed under Photos, teaching by admin on September 5, 2010 at 4:56 am
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Kids Science

Teaching kids science can be both a rewarding and fun experience. Science plays and important and crucial role in the education of the newest generation. With the rapid advancements in science and technology this field is very vital to every day life. Being aware of what is going on in the world of science and why certain phenomenons occur is important to a young child’s education in science. Kids science, although very basic in nature covers a broad variety of topics that makes teaching these concepts to children a fun and unique experience every day. Teaching kids science may require a certain level of creativity in order to spark the interest of the kids. Some children may excel in other subjects and may not be as interested or skilled when it comes to kids science. To gain the attention from all of your students when you are teaching kids science you may want to try a few different and creative approaches. When teaching kids science, keep in mind that children have a shorter attention span than adults and you need to keep the material light and fun while simultaneously getting the material across to the kids. Here are some fun ways you can get the kids interested in your classroom when teaching kids science.

-Scientist of the Day. Each day select a student that will research a science related topic and come up with a fact to share with the classroom. In this way, the students will be teaching each other and new and different information will be brought to light based on the interests of each individual student. With each day a new fact will be discussed and any questions that students may have with regard to kids science will be answered. By adding this idea to your teaching method you are engaging the minds of the students while simultaneously conveying the topics of kids science within your teaching plan.

- Articles. Science is always changing and developing. With the wave of new technology and inventions, students should be aware of what is going on in the world. By reading short and informative, but interesting, science related articles every day you will be able to keep students involved and up to date with the most recent advancements in the field of science. Keep the content light and keep in mind the age of the audience that you are teaching.

-Mix it up. Change the learning atmosphere from time to time. The world of science is not limited to a classroom. Take a field trip or walk outside. You could be teaching kids science in real life action. Some children learn better with visual aids and this will appeal to the needs of those students. By actually seeing science in action it may be a more productive learning session for kids since they need to be engaged in order to focus on the kids science topics at hand.

-Games. Kids science does not have to be limited to books alone. Teaching can consist of many different methods and tools to convey the material. Once you have gone over the material with the students you could implement a game to test their knowledge. In this way, learning can be fun and create an atmosphere that will challenge young minds.

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